“Got to find some first. Full moon and now wet conditions.” This was Craig’s response to me asking if he’d have any wild rabbits for next week. It’s genuinely amazing how much the weather and seasons impact what our producers bring to the market. Poor old Ben just didn’t get a window to get out for his Shinkei Jime bass before the season closed last week. It doesn’t reopen until April, so you can imagine his frustration. Conversely, when I was with Marc down in Lyme Bay last week he was telling me how much better the scallops are getting, but that – because of the mating seasons - the crabs have gone a bit watery and the plaice are starting to do Flat Stanley impressions. On Friday Rob texted to say that he was catching loads more herring – and now pollack too (see the photo below of his smoking of them), as both species are now decidedly ‘in’ in his little patch of Cornish waters. Any salty sea dog will tell you “that’s why they call it fishing and hunting, not ‘catching’”, and he’d be right. It’s seasonal, highly weather dependent and it’s real. Sometimes it disappoints. Sometimes it delights. But it always, always connects us to reality; with what is actually happening on the land and in the seas that surround us on these extraordinary British Isles. Best wishes, Nick PS – the reason weather and the seasons are on my mind this morning? That blue dot on the map above is me, right now. I'm meeting producers. And it’s early February. ‘Nuff said.PPS - we honestly love seeing what you make with what you buy from the market. Please do keep the photos and the Instagram posts coming!