Wylde about....Lyme Bay.

Wylde about....Lyme Bay.

Marc pretty much sold out this week.
No big surprises - his Lyme Bay fish is simply spectacular.
But it also has an amazing story.
Because Lyme Bay was horribly overfished, and for years.
So, for what we’re pretty sure was the first time ever, ecologists and fishermen sat down together and worked out a plan that they could both live with.
And it led to nothing short of a marine renaissance. 
This beautiful little film tells the story far better than I can, but it really is good news all round.
So eating Marc’s fish isn’t only a pleasure, it also actively supports the Lyme Bay Marine Reserve - an incredibly exciting ‘essay in collective sustainability’.
Thanks to everyone who bought it!
PS – if you think your pals would enjoy eating fish from Lyme Bay, or indeed any of the other amazing produce on the Wylde Market, they can sign up here.

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