A Frenchman once tried to tell my Dad how to make a bacon sandwich.
It very nearly caused an international incident.
My Dad threatened to reciprocate by showing him how to take absolutely bloody ages over opening a bottle of wine, but thankfully diplomacy won the day.
For what, really, could be more British than a bacon butty? What, on a weekend morning in particular, could better set you up for a day of life here on la perfide Albion?
Don’t get me wrong. I love houmous for breakfast. Cold curry. Dim sum. Collard greens. Kimchi. Steak. The list goes on.
But a bacon sandwich is special. Everyone who knows these islands knows that.
The lads at Chiswick RFC know it, too. We’ve been dishing out bacon butties at the club in the last few weeks and they do seem to have hit the spot.
It’s not really a surprise. Nick's bacon is magic.
Made with Helen's organic pork, it’s thickly cut, it’s free from nitrates, and it’s unapologetically ‘body positive’ about its fat content. No water comes out when you cook it (what on earth is all that about….?) and it makes what customers consistently tell us are the best bacon sandwiches of their lives.
If you want to get your hands on some, be quick. The collar and the streaky has already sold out since Friday, but there's still some of the amazing organic back if you don't hang around.
The only question is red sauce or brown?