Bejam has got a lot to answer for. It was a frozen foods supermarket that got bought by Iceland in 1989. And it was synonymous with crap food: bright orange fishfingers, Findus Crispy Pancakes, ‘waffly versatile’ potato waffles, cheap chicken kievs and much more ultra-processed junk besides.
All of which happened to be frozen. So people started to equate frozen food with crap food. (And, like so much else in our country, things got poisoned by snobbery.) All abject nonsense, of course. Obviously if you freeze crap food – per Bejam – then what you get is frozen crap food. But if you freeze excellence, then what you get is frozen excellence. The smartest people I know – and certainly the best chefs – know that freezing food to preserve it is a really sensible option. This is especially so when that food is highly seasonal, and - as we saw last week – by no means always available. So to help you fill your freezer, during the whole of January we’ll be doing free delivery for orders over £100. And not a Findus Crispy Pancake in sight…. Nick
PS - we're pretty inspired by what you're all making with your Wylde produce!
