Wylde about....Steak & Seasoning.

Wylde about....Steak & Seasoning.

Two spectacular new cookbooks have been the talk of the Wylde team this week.
The first is Tim Hayward’s ‘Steak’. It’s excellent. ‘Encyclopedic’ doesn’t even come close - not least because it’s much more interesting, and significantly better written than any encyclopedia I’ve ever come across. Hayward’s intellectual curiosity, wit and warm humanity shine thoughout. If you love - or if someone you love loves - steak, then you’ll love ‘Steak’.

And then there’s Angela Clutton’s ‘Seasoning’. Wow. I think if Wylde were a book, it would be Seasoning. It’s a celebration of eating, cooking and thinking in a truly seasonal way, and it’s beautiful. As Stanley Tucci said of ‘Seasoning’ – ‘Why has it taken so long for someone to write such a brilliant and necessary cookbook?’ Quite. I’d say this book makes the perfect companion for anyone looking to shop Selon Le Marché.

In all truthfulness, both books are probably a little heavy to take to the beach. But that makes them all the more perfect for long summer evenings when you’ve showered all the salt and sand off and want to sit down with a great read, and a glass or three of rosé. Trust me, I’ve put in the hard yards on this one ;-)
Anyway, the market’s open.
PS – do what loads of Wylde customers are doing, and refer a friend with WyldeFire

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