I have a love-hate relationship with Instagram.
It’s a bit like a cheap Chinese takeaway, in that it promises a lot but often leaves you deeply unsatisfied.
But there are positives too. And serious ones at that.
Seeing young people cooking - and celebrating that fact - makes my heart sing.
But even more exciting is the hashtag #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom.
Because we absolutely should.
The food we eat is central to our physical health and our mental wellbeing. We have a duty to ourselves, and to those we nourish, to know where it comes from and how it is produced.
Of course, for the vast majority of human history, folk did know exactly where their food came from. It is us, generationally speaking, who are the aberration. For the last hundred years or so, supermarkets and Big Food have conspired to corporatise food, anonymising it and dehumanising it in the process.
Taking back control has become a very loaded phrase, but that is exactly what #knowwhereyourfoodcomesfrom involves.
It’s an exciting act of rebellion and individual human agency.
Vive la révolution!
PS – the market reopens in September.