The revolution will not be televised.
It will be quiet, thoughtful.
And it has already started.
You know that, because you’re part of it.
Together, we are beginning to change the way that food in this country is bought and sold.
Together, we are saying ‘no’.
‘No’ to food with no flavour. ‘No’ to food with no soul. To food that is produced industrially, contemptuously. Where cramped, inhumane conditions, herbicides, pesticides and soil degradation are the norm and where long, inefficient supply chains add both carbon and cost at every stage.
We are saying ‘no’ to food of no fixed abode, anonymously shipped up and down the country, from one vast warehouse to another, all dressed up in bright, colourful packaging to try to kid us that this ain’t in fact so. 'No' to the predatory practices of the supermarkets, their plastified produce and their weirdly over-lit - and unnervingly cold - aisles of depression.
And together we are saying 'yes!'
'Yes!' to the things that matter.
'Yes!' to food that brims with goodness and real flavour.
'Yes!' to knowing where that food comes from, and knowing that the folk who produce it set the prices.
'Yes!' to practices that minimise harm to the environment, and in some cases actively improve it.
And 'yes!' to the simple, ancient and quintessentially human joy of preparing and then sitting down to eat amazing food with amazing people - and hearing the stories of both.
The revolution will not be televised.
But - if you're shopping on Wylde in the early mornings - it may just have started from your bed.
PS - do remember that our Christmas Market is open right now: John's got organic turkeys, Helen's organic pork has been turned into gammon, bacon and sausages by Nick, and Rachael's organic beef is as stunning as ever. And if you're not yet sorted for presents, our Wylde Cards are going down a storm.