Wylde about....Kate.

Wylde about....Kate.

Kate Humble is getting on for being a national treasure.
She’s also a good friend of Wylde. And she’s just written the most wonderful book, Home Made.
It’s a love letter to producers, including our very own Hayden, and it’s just beautiful.
Kate dedicates the book to ‘the Brave of Heart & Free of Spirit’.
I like that, a lot. Not least because it could also be a description of you; each and every person, couple and family that, over the last year or so, has chosen to go Wylde.
Because what you and Kate have in common is a refusal to accept what, in the introduction to her book, she calls ‘mass produced cheap imports and food grown or reared to cost as little as possible’.

Quite right.
The supermarkets have done us all – consumers and producers alike – a huge disservice.
They should be more Humble.
Stay Wylde,
PS – the market’s open.

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