Keith Floyd had serious rizz.
That was my slightly drunken conclusion this last Thursday night.
Everyone else had gone out and I was home alone. It had been a long day, and I really CBA to cook.
So I cracked open a jar of Keir’s fermented houmous, quickly grilled some of Julian's focaccia and poured myself what I naively thought was only going to be one glass of Chris’ cabernet franc.
Then I hit the sofa - and YouTube.
I often search up Floydy when I’ve had a couple.
But I’d not seen this before – A Farewell to Floyd.
You can play it from the box below.
Even if you’re only moderately interested in Keith Floyd (and isn't that portrait of him above amazing? Lou Boileau is the genius behind it), then you’ll love it.
I should say that the film is old, and a good 45 minutes long, but it’s so worth it – a rip-roaring, ribald celebration of the man who said:
Amen to that.
PS – the market’s open.
PPS – so is our crowdfund. (Obviously, yawn, don’t invest if you’re not prepared to lose all your money and don’t want to spend the rest of your life in absolute penury living in a cardboard box by the side of the road throwing darts at a torn photo of my face…yadda, yadda, yadda.)