Until very recently, every man, woman and child in the country would have been all too aware that this time of year was challenging, food-wise. We’re now firmly in the ‘Hungry Gap’. It’s the period between the last of the produce stored from harvest and the first of the spring crops. Historically, it would have been pretty tough. But humans being humans, we innovated our way through it. By learning how to preserve foods during times of plenty – via the magic of curing, drying, fermenting and the like – our ancestors made it possible for us to be here today. As a result, the Hungry Gap should not be feared but celebrated as a manifestation of human ingenuity and culinary creativity. It’s why we’ve put this Nearly Spring Box together – a selection of extraordinarily delicious preserved foods to keep you going as nature begins to stir from her long slumber. The market is open. Nick PS – the wild garlic is, at least in some parts of the country, very much here. We pick it, blend it with butter in the blitzer and fry our eggs in it. Truly fabulous.PPS - we're expecting to close our latest investment round at the end of March. If you'd like to join those participating, drop me a line and we can talk.