Mayonnaise is not French (whatever they say). It’s Spanish. More precisely, it’s Balearic. It comes from Mahón, the capital of Menorca. Already kings of emulsifying garlic and olive oil - a true aioli contains no egg - the Menorcans worked out that you could make a richer alternative with yolks. And so la salsa mahonesa was born. Before promptly being nicked by the French in an early act of culinary cultural appropriation. But my goodness do our friends across la Manche know how to make it now. Which is why I love this recipe by this charming French man. It literally never fails. Trust me. It’s easy. It’s delicious. And it will seriously impress your mates.Personally, I think it’s even better with a squeeze of lemon juice too. But chacun à son gout and all that. Nick PS – the market opens in September.